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THE BEST RESOURCE A PILOT CAN HAVE TO UNDERSTAND HOW TO FLY IN ALL TYPES OF WEATHER How do you improve on the best guide for pilots to learn how to fly in all kinds of weather? The answer is the Fifth Edition of "Weather Flying." Regarded as the bible of weather flying, this aviation classic not only continues to make complex weather concepts understandable for even the least experienced of flyers, but has now been updated to cover new advances in technology. At the same time, this respected text still retains many of its original insights from over four decades of publication, provided by renowned weather flying veteran Robert N. Buck. In a straightforward style, new author Robert O. Buck (son of the book's original author) delves into how computers, personal electronic devices, electronic flight instrument systems, and other technologies are changing the way general aviation pilots fly weather. He addresses the philosophy and discipline required to use these systems, what they are really telling us, and their task as supplement to good flying sense. The updated Fifth Edition also discusses how to handle changes in FSS weather briefing, including a look at new weather information products and airborne datalink weather information as they affect weather flying. This new edition features: Discussions of weather information--what it is, how to get it, and how to use it Explanations of various weather phenomena and how they affect a flight Updates on the new GPS and smart technology used in weather flying Changes in weather information and briefi ngs Descriptions of improved anti- and deicing systems Serious discussion of the pilot-electronics interface Now more than ever, having the Bucks' "Weather Flying" at the controls is the next best thing to having the authors with you in the cockpit., The only resource a pilot needs to understand all types of weather and how to fly in itupdated to cover new technological devices and changes in weather briefings. Targeted towards general aviation pilots--but applicable for pilots of any kind-- Weather Flying , Fifth Edition is the ultimate resource for understanding weather. Written in a straightforward style, the book makes complex weather concepts understandable for even the most amateur of flyers. In addition to weather theory, this practical guide covers basics of weather information--what to get, how to get it and what to do with it. Since the previous edition published in 1998, technology and policy have evolved a great deal. Computers, handheld GPS and smart devices have changed the way pilots fly. In the updated 5th edition, new author Robert O. Buck delves into these changes, discussing how to get the most out of your smart device, how to handle changes in FSS weather briefings, and how to use electronic multifunction displays as a supplement, and not a crutch. Offers a basic understanding of weather creation, in addition to the philosophy of flying in it Discusses weather information--what it is, how to get it, and how to use it Provides an overview equipment--both personal and aircraft--and how to use it Explains various weather phenomena and how they affect a flight Updated with new GPS and smart technology used in weather flying Discusses changes in FSS and weather briefing services and how to work around them Accommodates changes in National Weather Service briefings Describes improved anti- and de-icing systems

Robert Buck - Weather Flying read ebook DJV, DOC

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